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The spiral healing journey

Christina Georgiou

When we navigate through our healing journey, recovery from trauma is not linear but rather moves in a spiral manner. We move through several phases and stages that many times feel familiar, just because each time we tap onto a different layer of the wound we need to heal. And we continue the same process until we feel ready to move forward and to reconnect with our true Self, others around us as well as our life purpose and goals.

This spiral healing journey feels as if you are walking on a spiral staircase, where when we have the sense of completing a circle we actually move in a higher position and therefore into a different layer of your trauma and healing. When we are aware of this repetition, we are able to recognize the signs and therefore the phases of our healing journey and where we are at in the current stage. We are also able to recognize the depth of the process and repeat what benefited us the previous time and avoid what did not.

During our healing process we experience ups and downs very often and this is a normal thing to happen when you heal. There is a possibility when we are in our downs to think that we didn't succeed or we didn't learn or we didn't heal. This is not true, as healing is not and cannot be linear. The relapses we have during our healing process have their own purposes and healing cannot be done in a total or complete manner but rather in a layered manner as we already discussed above. This is how evolution and expansion take place.

Imagine that you walk on the spiral staircase and as soon as you reach a point on it you stop and you turn around to see the surroundings. You will see the surroundings from a specific perspective. Then when you will move upwards a bit more and pause again to look around, you will see the same surroundings but from a different perspective, a different angle and a different height. All perspectives are essential to be seen and known as they are parts of a bigger truth, and only if we experience all of these perspectives, angles and heights we will be able to see the truth about who we are, who we are becoming and who we can be.

The spiral staircase can be infinite, not because our suffering will continue, but because our expansion never stops.

I wish that this article is a soothing source of support for your healing journey, and I wish that it can be a reminder for you especially every single time you feel overwhelmed or dis-empowered in your journey.

I love you.

And remember,

Everything you seek, lies within your Self.

Heart to Heart,


© Christina Georgiou


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