on Vulnerability.
When you feel you have no skin
And everything around you hurts
It is a moment of deep sensitivity
A need to withraw yourself from the world
Or find yourself asleep in a space of silence.
This moment appears to be painful
Full of wonder and darkness,
Sadness and fragility,
Not because you are wounded
But because you have embraced your humanness,
Your vulnerable human nature.
Allowing this part of yourself to Be,
Without trying to change anything
Can give birth to your biggest desire
And your greatest pathos,
For Life.
Every single day there is an opportunity
Where you can be vulnerable
Just because you can also
Be powerful.
You can't be powerful
If you do not allow yourself
To be vulnerable first.
You won't witness your strength
If you do not feel the wound
Of what it means to be human.
The moment you allow yourself
To be vulnerable,
To feel small,
To experience emotions in full spectrum
Is the moment you accept yourself fully
And the moment you stop trying to fix yourself.
Being vulnerable
Is about being truly Who You Are
And allowing what you are becoming.
Being vulnerable
Is about feeling loved, accepted, appreciated
Just the way you are.
Not by others,
But from your own Self.
Vulnerability is about your ability
To be present in every single moment,
However it might be
And however it might feel.
It is your innate fire to seek the Truth
Even if it hurts when you become aware of it,
In the same way that can also liberate you
From suffering.
Being vulnerable is about
Allowing truth
To move through you,
And feeling every moment and every sensation of it
Right here and now.
Vulnerability is part of who you are.
Vulnerability is You.
I love you.
And remember,
Everything you seek, lies within your Self.
Heart to Heart,
© Christina Georgiou