on Truth.
Behind an emotion,
sigh and look
always lies
an untold truth.
Behind a story,
impression and thought
always whispers
a hidden truth.
Behind an action,
shout or rage
always screams
a suppressed truth.
People see
only through their filters,
but this is just
a distorted truth.
People talk
anything they assume,
but this is far
from the whole truth.
People gossip
for what they think is,
but this is not
the complete truth.
No matter how protected
or hidden may be,
it still shines through
the most darkest sites.
No matter how forgotten
or neglected may be,
it still appears through
the most invisible places.
And no matter how lost
or unknown may be,
it still breathes through
the most denied memories.
Truth is always present
and every time
is remembered
justice rebirths.
I love you.
And remember,
Everything you seek, lies within your Self.
Heart to Heart,
© Christina Georgiou