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Living in and beyond this world

Christina Georgiou

Beyond everything we experience in this physical realm, there are other worlds and dimensions to be explored, not with the body or the logical mind, but with our innate ability to intuitively sense existence in its totality.

In the same way we learn to understand and identify several fragments and aspects of the self, and integrate them in order to heal and expand, we are also called to understand and contain the universal laws and how they mirror aspects of our physical experience.

There is a continuous interaction between microcosmos and macrocosmos where our consciousness can travel from one to another during the journey of becoming aware of who we truly are. This can happen during an intense and/or challenging experience in the physical reality, which functions as an opportunity to penetrate or enter deeper states of consciousness in order to experience a different dimension of the same experience. For example, during child-birth the woman experiences intense physical pain and at the same time she has the opportunity to enter a state of nirvana. Both experiences can happen at the exact same time. The only obstacle that would keep her in the physical experience and preventing her from having also a transcendental experience is the attachment on the fear of pain or pain itself.

By embracing all facets of our existence and all dimensions of our experiences in life, we give the opportunity to ourselves to expand beyond the physical and therefore explore our multidimensional nature, which is the vehicle that carries all the truth about who we are.

Living in this world means that we are capable of embracing our physicality in all possible ways through the myriads of opportunities we are given during our life experience.

Living beyond this world means that we open up ourselves to all those layers of our existence and allow ourselves to experience those layers through the body but beyond our physical experience.

Living in and beyond this world means to be able navigate between the physical experience and all that there is beyond what we can sense with the five senses, and experience everything at once.

This is a calling to open up one's awareness, in order to sense beyond the sense of sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing, and to "see" beyond the obvious. This is an invitation to become more receptive towards our multidimensional nature which is the truth of who we are.

I love you.

And remember,

Everything you seek, lies within your Self.

Heart to Heart,


© Christina Georgiou


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