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How does Trauma affect the feminine?

Christina Georgiou

Trauma creates raptures in women's sense of Feminine Self and affects their feminine expression by disrupting their ability to feel safe in their body, embody their nurturing qualities, feel comfortable around other women, and be contained by the masculine due to feelings of fear, mistrust and anger.

When femininity is wounded, empathy, creativity, sensitivity, intuition, vulnerability, adaptability, patience, spontaneity, receptivity and kindness are also affected. The imbalances that take place in relation to these aspects form an unhealthy state of being and perceiving the world, internally and externally.

To heal the trauma of the feminine you need to transform and transcend psychological wounding related to the feminine, while integrating the shadow aspects of the feminine in order to become whole again and restore feminine authenticity, which is the core expression of feminine truth and it is in alignment with feminine nature.

If the feminine energy does not re-balance, one is simply unable to fully surrender, regain trust, feel emotions and allow expression. With the absence of authentic femininity one is unable to create sacred union and live an embodied life.

This is an era where the Feminine reclaims its place and value on Earth and creates opportunities for truth, disclosure, healing, sensitivity, allowance and nurturing. This is an opportunity to connect with your Feminine Self and experience the flow of creation within you as you connect with your creative Feminine Power.

I created a Trauma-Informed Somatic Healing Package for women, a healing container that has hold me first before I was ready to share it with others.

This offering is a container with practices, tools and rituals I formed and applied as a trauma-survivor of inter-generational and complex trauma during my healing journey as a woman, as a lover and as a mother.

If you are a woman, lover or mother who:

- experienced developmental, attachment and relational trauma,

- felt abused, neglected, abandoned or rejected,

- had a traumatic child-birth experience recently or in the past,

- wants to learn how to regulate your nervous system in a safe, feminine-oriented and trauma informed way,

- desires to live in an embodied way that is aligned to your feminine physiology and female body,

- expand your capacity to feel and love,

- feel empowered to step into your authenticity,

- and be part of a feminine social engagement support system,

then this is for you!

Access the "Heal your Feminine Body & Heart Trauma-Informed Somatic Healing Package" HERE.

I love you.

And remember,

Everything you seek, lies within your Self.

Heart to Heart,


© Christina Georgiou


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