become . whole . again
Our healing journey
is a discovery of light and darkness,
a whole process of transformation and rebirth.
Healing one's self
is a passage through demons and angels,
having to walk on thorns through shadow places.
When we heal, everything seems to be collapsing at once,
just so there is space for the unknown to come and fall into place.
This is how healing takes place, and expansion as well.
When we heal, it feels like we forget in order to remember again,
as if life and death cannot occur separately but simultaneously.
This is how true love appears through our deepest heart.
To heal means to crack open and surrender into the flow of life.
It is the choice of allowing death to come in and make love with our deepest fears.
It is the willingness to die in order to born again.
To heal means to be dissolved in order to be formed again,
as if life through us creates the opportunities for deeper awakening.
This is our responsibility in life, to remember our only potential:
I love you.
And remember,
Everything you seek, lies within your Self.
Heart to Heart,
© Christina Georgiou