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Abandonment otherwise

Christina Georgiou

We think that abandonment

is when someone we love,

one that we depend on

suddenly disappears from our life

or chooses not to be around us anymore.

We are programmed to feel abandoned

even when someone does not respond to us

or chooses another direction in life

from the one we used to walk along each other,

and stop providing the love and care we need.

We have been traumatized by this wound

from childhood till adulthood

and we keep repeating it

till there is no more,

but there will be more if we don’t integrate it.

Abandonment can be terribly hurtful,

but this is only one perspective of it

that stays in us till a new perspective,

one of light, hope and knowledge

can help us see it as an opportunity for growth.

How many times did we perceive

someone’s departure as abandonment,

someone’s cowardice as rejection

and someone’s giving up as refusal?

How many people in our lives have departed

thinking that we made them run away,

believing that we were not capable of holding them,

or being unable to give them what they want or need?

The truth is that nothing of the above is true, but rather excuses,

when the reality is that people who abandon in this way

are not able to see clearly where the ego takes part,

are not attentive enough to receive divine guidance

are not able to upgrade to the next level,

and are not strong enough to grasp an opportunity to grow.

Usually others abandon us

because they are unable to hold our light,

while we elevate into greater love, greater wisdom

and greater acceptance for who we are.

They choose to leave

because they cannot stand being around us,

as we reveal their wounds and triggers with our presence

and as we shine out the truth of who they are.

You see the abandonment we thought it was

is actually a liberation

from situations that have entangled us,

from behaviors that suppressed our light

and from drama that has controlled our choices.

It is actually freedom

from being stuck with someone who cannot walk along us,

who cannot hold us in our highs and lows,

and who cannot contain us, totally.

It is a blessing

and an opportunity to make better choices

and without compromises, walk unapologetically

the path towards our highest life.

You only know that now,

after you stopped bargaining for love

and after you realized that you have abandoned yourself

in order to be seen, heard and understood.

You know now that the only way for you to follow your path

is to walk along someone who is not afraid of it.

And whoever was not able to be with you

fully, completely and wholeheartedly

and you were not able to remove them from your life,

life will remove them for you, instantly.

Abandonment is an excuse,

performed by the universe

in order to bring you back to your path,

every time more equipped,

wiser and more ready

for what awaits for you,

which is truly yours,

and which will never abandon you, ever.

So be grateful,

for this opportunity,

No matter how painful it was,

and all the opportunities in life,

where people have been removed from your life

in order to have a better life,

because you deserve it.

This is love from the universe.

Next time you might feel abandoned,

make a pause and remember who you are,

again and again.

Remember that you are not your experiences

and what had passed from your path

will never define who you are.

Abandonment is an opportunity for you

To see your own value

and grow to your highest potential.

I love you.

And remember,

Everything you seek, lies within your Self.

Heart to Heart,


© Christina Georgiou


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