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Christina Georgiou

The Solid Self


An opportunity to train the mind, go deeper in one's psyche and start sensing the depth of the Self. 

SenseSelfEssence - 1st Cycle (Foundation)

combines a range of primarily mental practices, methods and tools that build a deep understanding of one's mental patterns and how to separate those from consciousness itself. This is a 4-week practice that trains one's awareness and in order to gain control over the mind while understanding and befriending the mind and start building a foundation for more advanced practices. This unique experience in designed and offered within a non-judgemental place alongside the teacher's ability and sensitivity to intuitively guide and offer the teachings in the most appropriate way.

This course includes:

8 experiential classes / 60' each (Total of 8h)

Christina Georgiou

The Material Self


A complete physical practice which offers a dynamic experience that will strengthen and activate you.


SenseSelfEssence - 2nd Cycle (Foundation)

combines a broad range of physical practices, movement and exploration in order to offer a holistic experience and a deep understanding of one's body and mind and the connection between the two. This is a 4-week practice that trains one's awareness on how to gain control over their bodily movements, properly feel and move emotions through and gain authenticity in one's experience. This practice is designed and offered within a heart-centered container that respect the students' physical capacity, needs and follows their current stage of evolution.

This course includes:

8 experiential classes / 90' each (Total of 12h)

Christina Georgiou

The Sensual Self


A self-discovery adventure that will train your senses and improve your interaction with the outer world.

SenseSelfEssence - 3rd Cycle (Foundation)

consists of 4 seasonal workshops created to train one's senses and provide a deeper understanding of one's body, mind and emotions in connection to sensorial stimuli. This work uncovers many aspects around our relationship with food, sensuality, creativity, spontaneity, impulsivity and instinct while teaching the participant more aligned ways to connect with their body and attune with nature in order to make better choices and connections based on their individual needs, seasons, conditions, cycles, etc. This experience in designed to illuminate and guide based on one's own uniqueness.


This course includes:

4 experiential workshops / 180' each & 4 theoretical workshops / 120' each (Total of 20h)

Christina Georgiou

The Energetic Self


An initiation that will bring you closer to your Being and establish an aligned connection with the Whole.

SenseSelfEssence - 4th Cycle (Intermediate)

combines a vast number of practices, methods and tools in order to offer a deep understanding of the 7 Harmonic Focal Points (chakras) and the 7 Layers of the Human Energy Field (aura) as revealed through the science of Yoga, Tantra and Tao. An emphasis is given on how the attributes of these centers can be integrated and understood in one's everyday life. This unique 7-week course consists of a practical and theoretical framework and is given through the teacher's knowledge and experience in eastern and western practices. 

This course includes:

14 experiential masterclasses / 90' each & 7 theoretical masterclasses / 60' each (Total of 28h)

Christina Georgiou Healing

The Elemental Self


A process that will create a shift in your perception and reveal profound aspects about the Self.

SenseSelfEssence - 5th Cycle (Intermediate)

provides an in depth experiential practice and a deep understanding of the principles and energetics of the 5 Elements (panchatatva)  as revealed through the science of Ayurveda and Tantra, and the 5 Elements as revealed in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and how their principles can be integrated and understood in one's everyday life. This is a 10-week unique journey with rich content, offered in an organized yet clear manner so that this new knowledge and teachings can be easily digestible and smoothly embodied in all levels of one's experience. 

​This course includes:

20 experiential masterclasses / 90' each & 10 theoretical masterclasses / 60' each (Total of 40h)

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The Alchemical Self


A journey that will take you into a deeper exploration of the Self and transcend your identity. 
SenseSelfEssence - 6th Cycle (Intermediate)

goes deeper into a system of alchemical and energetic practices and provides a vast number of healing and ascension tools in order to transform and transcend several areas in one's life. This is an intensive 8-week course that will introduce you to vibrational medicine in order to apply on self and others under guidance. The main focus of this course is to overcome limitations, cultivate intuition and develop extra sensory perception while building trust in one's innate ability to heal. An opportunity to gain a deeper sense of self-confidence, self-awareness and self-discipline.

This course includes:

8 experiential masterclasses / 180' each & 8 theoretical masterclasses / 120' each (Total of 40h)

Christina Georgiou

The Vital Self


An expansive experience that will profoundly change the way you see yourself, others and the world.

SenseSelfEssence 7th Cycle (Advanced)

guides the adept into a unique journey of deep inquiry where they learn to penetrate all layers of their self in order to acknowledge, feel, heal, transmute and alchemize deeper trauma and also transcend outdated models, false ego traits and constructive behavior that no longer serves them. This course includes 3 trainings and every training includes 4 stages where the individual is provided with the right tools in order to bring balance between the male/female energies within, while experiencing fulfillment. This is a 20-week intensive immersion that leads to a 1-day & a 3-day retreat in nature.

This course includes:

5 practical classes, 5 workshops, 5 masterclasses, 5 transmutation processes / 120' each (Total of 40h)

and a 1-day & a 3-day retreat in nature / 15h (Grand Total of 55h)

christina georgiou

The Fluid Self


A program that uses the latest scientific and evidenced-based practices for the reclamation of your Self.

SenseSelfEssence - 8th Cycle (Advanced)

uses the latest scientifically evidenced-based research through somatic body-based psychotherapeutic approaches in order to create massive shifts and transformation in one's whole being and life. In this stage the adept will be able to re-create and re-form aspects of the self by working on their autonomic nervous system through advanced techniques and deeper embodied awareness. In addition to the above the participant will be encouraged to use their healing toolbox with self-trust and determination while cultivating deeper surrender throughout a 12-week intensive training.

This course includes:

12 masterclasses / 120' each (Total of 24h)

Christina Geogiou

The Essence Self


The most profound and mind-blowing event of your life: your re-Birth.

SenseSelfEssence - 9th Cycle (Advanced)

is a significant 9-day immersion that forms a unique transformational experience for the adept to fully integrate the whole 9-Cycle-Journey, experience the power of community by connecting with other evolved beings in this path, and be nourished from a pure and safe environment, specifically designed for them to be empowered and thrive. One will experience the most intimate connection with the Self while applying deep processes next to Christina, in the most appropriate setting. Nourishing food, activated water, deep rest, ongoing support and the unconditional presence, acceptance and admiration for the totality of one's journey are only some of the things that will be genuinely provided. 

This course includes:

9 days immersion / 100 hours of training


'SenseSelfEssence emits spiritual ambience infused with life energy, love and integrity, and heals both body and soul. All this becomes reality thanks to Christina who is not just a yoga teacher; she is a true leader full of inspiration and goodness who effectively guides students on to how to connect with their higher Self.

Having a practical class followed by a theoretical session which includes substantial information along with interactive discussion among Christina and students, has offered me a comprehensive experience to explore myself and deeper levels of awareness. Also, for me it is very important that Christina delivers all of this with gentleness, intuition and no judgement.'

Christina Georgiou © 2024

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